How-to navigate life's changes

When it comes to change, one thing to remember is that we all experience change differently.

Some people will think that what you are experiencing is some easy-breezy change while others will think that what you are going through is monumental.

Truth is.
It doesn’t even matter.
The way you experience change is up-to-you and you only.

Another truth is.
Change doesn’t have to be bad, it doesn’t have to equate to something negative.
Most of the time change brings an incredible amount of growth and allows us to experience something new.

So what goes on when we are experiencing change and why does it feel ?

First thing’s first. We get better at experiencing change by understanding what is happening when we go through change. What is going on in our bodies and in our brains? Let me break down a little science for us:

The BRAIN. Now we all know how powerful our brain is and we definitely know it’s responsible for A LOT of things.
Well here’s the deal. Our brains are designed for many things and each part of our brain holds a big responsibility:

— The neocortex: The front part of our brain, it is the most highly evolved part of our brain and it is responsible for human behaviour

— The limbic brain: This part of our brain is responsible for the chemical and emotional reactions. It is responsible for our memory and also responsible for our behavioural and emotional responses.

— The reptilian brain: Now this one right here, is the oldest part of our brain. It’s main function is to keep us safe. It’s main function is to keep us in a place of comfort. In other words it loves the comfort zone and it most definitely does not love change. This little one here, is responsible for our limiting beliefs, is responsible for our fear of change and is mostly the reason why we don’t go after what we truly want, which is usually in the unknown.

So now that we understand the three parts of our brain, we can assess what is going on when we go through change and how-to better navigate it.

Here’s how you can navigate life’s changes

1. Replace fear with confidence

I know what you are thinking, OF COURSE Vanessa, wouldn’t that be so easy if I could just suddenly become super confident and not afraid of change. [I hear you]. But the thing is, nooooow you understand that your reptilian brain is the part of the brain that is responsible for the unknown which means is that you can stretch your brain by creating new levels of comfort for it.
In other words, the more you step outside your comfort zone, the safer your brain will feel in times of change. It will adapt very quickly with the new data that you are putting inside your brain.

2. Ask yourself, what do I need in this moment of change

When we go through change, it’s definitely not the moment to be hard on ourselves or even worst, work against ourselves. We have to have our own back!
When we move through change, when experience big or little change, we gotta make sure we take care of ourselves. What is it that we need in the moment to feel good and ease into the change we are about to experience.
Do we need support from our loved ones, do we need a little break, do we need to get away, do we need to shop and spoil ourselves with a little almond milk latte? Listen you do what you gotta do my ladie, you do what you gotta do.

3. Ask yourself, what is the dream I allow myself to have?

This is a big ONE! What is the dream I allow myself to have? What am I allowing to come through for myself in order to become the version of myself I want to be? Most of the times, our big goals and our big vision is very much a reaction of going through big changes. Now, you gotta ask yourself:

What am I willing to create for myself?
What type of change am I ready to navigate in order to get to the next level for myself?
[nobody becomes great by avoiding change].

And my ladies this goes for motherhood, wifeyhood.
The change we experience whether personal or professional has a BIG impact on us.
We just gotta be willing to make the dream happen.

4. Move right through it

Move right through the storm my ladies, move right through the change.
Ask yourself what are the elements I can control, and IF I can control them how can I make it better for me.

THEN, allows yourself to move right through it. Riiiiiiiight through it.
You might as well jump and make the most of it, than stay here and miss out on all the magic that is on the other side of fear [deep, I know].

Remember this,

Change is part of growth, growth is part of life.
It all comes down to how we choose to experience change in order to make the most of everything we got.
You got this my ladies.

Need help navigating change? I am here for you.
All you gotta do is hit me up for your free complimentary call.


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